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Pine Needle (Pinus Sylvesstris) Essential Oil
Product Description
Pine Essential Oil is derived from the needles of the Pine Tree, commonly recognized as the traditional Christmas tree. Pine oil is closely related to eucalyptus oil in terms of plant species and benefits, so they can be used somewhat interchangeably and are both considered “uplifting.” A great way to get even more benefits from pine oil is by combining it with eucalyptus or citrus oils, which all work similarly to fight inflammation, eliminate bacteria and odors, improve your mood, and heighten awareness.
Aromatic Description (Pine Needle Essential Oil)
Fresh, woody, earthy and balsamic.
Plant Part
Collection Method (Pine Needle Essential Oil)
Steam Distillation
Directions For Use
What People Are Saying
Norulhuda Ali, Google Review"Saya sering membeli essential oil di IOI Mall,Putrajaya atau AEON Nilai. Layanan dari pekerja sangat baik dan membantu dalam membuat pilihan. Harga yang mampu milik dan bau-bauan EO banyak membantu dalam kesejahteraan keluarga saya."
C.Y.Janice, Google Review"I have tried many brands, this one is good quality with reasonable price!"
Ana Suhana, Google Review"Seller sangat membantu membuat pilihan. Eo sangat berkualiti dan harga berpatutan. Terbaik!"
Jeff, Google Review"The best and purest quality essential oil compared to other brand available in the market 👍"
Sherlin Teh"他们的精油真的超赞的啦!每次用都觉得超纯的,那种天然的香味闻了超舒服,整个窝都 relax 了!他们家东西又多,要提神要睡前放松统统都有!最近我迷上他们家的薰衣草精油,睡觉前滴个几滴在香薰灯里,香香的味道让整个房间都变超 chill,睡得超好!而且 Naturh 的精油还很 tahan 用,一瓶可以用好久超划算!姐妹们,Naturh 的精油真的必买,强推一波!"